
Sales Team Connectivity

An application that gives your sales team the ability to interact with the home office in powerful ways can really change the way you gain business. Instead of writing down the information, then checking back with home base, you can create powerful templates that tie into your company database, allowing your sales people to give [...]

By |October 8th, 2014|SliderPosts|Comments Off on Sales Team Connectivity

Property Management

A property management application can help unify your information and payment systems. Tenants can pay rent through the app, and you can pass information to tenants through a simple interface. Inform them of community of build events, update maintenance schedules, and give them the power to submit support requests.

By |October 7th, 2014|SliderPosts|Comments Off on Property Management

Drone Contoller

An application to control a drone from your phone or tablet. This sort of application is part of a broader control themes application and can be applied to many commercial/industrial functions. Perhaps you want to control processes in your factory or building via customized remote controller. Creating an app that gives the user a custom [...]

By |October 7th, 2014|SliderPosts|Comments Off on Drone Contoller
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